
Patient-Centred Measurement 
Eagle BC Flag (with lettering) - Cropped-1

We will know that we have achieved cultural safety when the voice of the people receiving our services tell us we have.

FNHA’s Policy Statement on Cultural Safety and Humility

In March 2020, the Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) was established to advise the British Columbia Office of Patient-Centred Measurement and the British Columbia Patient-Centred Measurement (PCM) Steering Committee.

The IAC explores how Indigenous knowledge, experiences and ways of knowing can inform and decolonize current PCM processes (i.e., survey tool selection and development, data collection processes, analysis, reporting and dissemination and on Indigenous ways of knowing). Further, the IAC will help to prioritize PCM related matters impacting First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. Read our 2020-2022 Impact Report here.

With great humility, the OPCM acknowledges that until now, no such process existed to ensure Indigenous representation and leadership to lead to meaningful change in patient-centred measurement. The OPCM commits to ensuring this takes place to move towards decolonizing colonial methods and processes in patient-centred measurement.

Fire Agreements
Fire Agreements

Read our Indigenized Terms of Reference for collaboration towards culturally safe processes in PCM.

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Our Work

Our Work

Learn about our work and read about our progress, including our Cultural Safety Survey Module.

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About Us

About Us

Meet our Indigenous Advisory Committee members, collaborators and recent collaborations.

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Fire Agreements Logo (with lettering)_cropped

The IAC’s Fire Agreements serve as an example of how to decolonize and Indigenize the Terms of Reference of a committee.

For more information about the development of the IAC’s ‘Fire Agreements’ click below.

Use of the citation below is expected when the British Columbia Patient-Centred Measurement Indigenous Advisory Committee’s Fire Agreements informs and/or is included in your publications, presentations, social media posts, etc. Thank you!

The British Columbia Patient-Centred Measurement Indigenous Advisory Committee. (2021) Morgan, J; Matthew, M; Thevarge, D; Marsden, N; Laliberte, N; Thomson, S; Gillis, T; Corscadden, L; Muller, M; Nourani, S; Cuthbertson, L. Fire Agreements: Decolonization and Indigenization of British Columbia Patient-Centred Measurements Indigenous Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference;


The IAC will guide how PCM is conducted in British Columbia with Indigenous Peoples. 

This includes how PCM data is collected, interpreted, and shared, using culturally safe practices, informed by Indigenous representation. The IAC will also support Indigenous Led PCM through this work.

This work is shared publicly on this website in order to foster open and accessible learning. Please see the guidelines set for interpretation of this work below.

The results of the work of the IAC have informed actions toward improving Indigenous-engagement in the PCM path forward, and articulate pathways to Indigenous-led PCM with methodologies relevant to the worldview of the peoples on whose land this measurement is conducted. The IAC has identified three domains—Indigenous Lens, Indigenous Lean (Co-Design), and Indigenous Led—each representing different levels of Indigenous inclusion and decision making in a Conceptual Framework for Indigenous Approaches in Patient-Centred Measurement.

Xyemstés re xqweqwĺúten-kt  
All of our voices are respected. 
All of our voices are heard. 
All of our voices matter.

If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback regarding this Conceptual Framework, please contact us.

In gratitude for their work, IAC members have reciprocal learning opportunities, individually and collectively, about existing PCM methods and the application of Indigenous methodologies to PCM. These learning opportunities may be presented through peers, networking, contributing to materials shared provincially, nationally and internationally, and where there is interest, to be involved in writing journal articles for publication to a broader audience. Where appropriate, this work will be shared here.

The IAC has discussed and advised on many areas of PCM work including:

Learn about the development of questions addressing Indigenous Cultural Safety from the patient perspective.

Use of the citation below is expected when the British Columbia Patient-Centred Measurement Indigenous Advisory Committee’s Cultural Safety Module informs and/or is included in your measurement tools, publications, presentations, social media posts, etc. Thank you!

The British Columbia Patient-Centred Measurement Indigenous Advisory Committee. (2021)  Jones, J; Laliberte, N; Marsden, N; Matthew, M; Misovic, M; Morgan, J; Thevarge, D; Corscadden, L; Muller, M; Yesufu, Z; Clarke, D; Thomson, S; Cuthbertson, L. Indigenous Cultural Safety Module;

Learn about the work the IAC has done to date and plans for future projects and progress. 

The IAC has shared their work in the following places:

Learn about the development of the BC Indigenous Cultural Safety Module with self-report questions designed to capture Indigenous patients' experiences across five domains of culturally safe care: Relationship-Based Care, Identity, Respect, Self-Determination and Equity, and Discrimination. 

Learn about the methods and findings from a research project, titled: “Pathways: A guide for developing culturally safe and appropriate patient-reported outcome (PROMs) and experience measures (PREMs) with Indigenous peoples”.

Learn about the spectrum from Indigenous lens to Indigenous led people-centred measurement approaches: Whose perspectives are we missing?


Mark Matthew

Mark Matthew

Simpcw First Nation, IAC Co-Chair, Director of Indigenous Health, Health Quality BC
Stephen Thomson

Stephen Thomson

Métis Citizen, Director, Health Governance, Métis Nation British Columbia
Jenny Morgan

Jenny Morgan

Gitxsan First Nation, Lax Gibuu (Wolfclan) from the House of WiiMuk’willixw, Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Social Work, University of Victoria

Namaste Marsden

Wilp Gamlaxyeltxw, Lax Ganeda (Frog Clan), from Gitanyow
Nancy Laliberté

Nancy Laliberté

Nehiyaw iskwew/Métis, Senior Director, Systems Transformation, Indigenous Health, Provincial Health Services Authority
Tabatha Berggren

Tabatha Berggren

Métis Citizen, Manager of Health Research and Evaluation, Métis Nation British Columbia
Payal Batra

Payal Batra

Immigrant and honorary member of the Wolf Clan, Director, Research and Knowledge Exchange First Nations Health Authority
Brittany Bingham-1

Brittany Bingham

shíshálh Nation, Assistant Professor, Division of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia


Our Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) collaborated with Kwexata'lsp (Ovila Mailhot) Nlaka'pamux and Stó:lō Nation, on the development of our Indigenous PCM logo and the artistic representation of our Fire Agreements. Click below to watch a short video of the artist’s explanation of the inspiration for his designs for our IAC.

Indigenous Advisory Committee collaborated with Kwexata'lsp (Ovila Mailhot) Nlaka'pamux and Stó:lō Nation